Actual Conversations for the Virtual World.
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Actual Conversations for the Virtual World, a VR experience that suggests three ways for making conversation initiation more facile in social VR

Actual Conversations for the Virtual World.
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Snapshot of the beta prototype.
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Making sure everything works as intended.
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Virtual conversations

Conversations in the metaverse are distorted reflections of the familiar real-world ones. My thesis project, is a set of design suggestions I culminated, to make it easier to join/initiate conversations in social virtual reality. Also, a high-fidelity VR prototype supplements the demonstration and visualizes the suggested concepts.

Virtual conversations

Conversations in the metaverse are distorted reflections of the familiar real-world ones. My thesis project, is a set of design suggestions I culminated, to make it easier to join/initiate conversations in social virtual reality. Also, a high-fidelity VR prototype supplements the demonstration and visualizes the suggested concepts.

Virtual conversations

Conversations in the metaverse are distorted reflections of the familiar real-world ones. My thesis project, is a set of design suggestions I culminated, to make it easier to join/initiate conversations in social virtual reality. Also, a high-fidelity VR prototype supplements the demonstration and visualizes the suggested concepts.