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Last furniture

The flat-pack culture is convenient and affordable, but provides short-term solutions with furniture that is hard to dispose of, which make them seem easily replaceable. By replacing the use of fastening hardware with rope tension, Tether simplifies the assembling and disassembling process of furniture while sustainably improving its longevity.

Last furniture

The flat-pack culture is convenient and affordable, but provides short-term solutions with furniture that is hard to dispose of, which make them seem easily replaceable. By replacing the use of fastening hardware with rope tension, Tether simplifies the assembling and disassembling process of furniture while sustainably improving its longevity.

Last furniture

The flat-pack culture is convenient and affordable, but provides short-term solutions with furniture that is hard to dispose of, which make them seem easily replaceable. By replacing the use of fastening hardware with rope tension, Tether simplifies the assembling and disassembling process of furniture while sustainably improving its longevity.